Jan 10
Carozzi Tweet Feet - Offlimit

Carozzi Tweet Feet

The novel idea of typing with your feet came from the ad agency, BBDO. The keyboard used in the commercial as well as the backend work was developed byMZZO. Together they created a keyboard that’s designed for writing, posting, and tweeting with your feet. Once the participants have downloaded Tweetfeet: by turning their phones on they will see various letters and symbols. Once they find the correct letter all they need to do is kick their leg into the air. In the end they have type-kicked their message and will have to shake their phone to post to Twitter or Facebook


  1. Louise
    February 13, 2017 at 6:45 am ·

    Lady,aku sokong kata kau 300%.pada aku x kisahlah duda.yang bujang pun x boleh diharap kan.asal jgn laki org sudah.kepada irma selamat pengantin baru n suami anda memang terbaik buat anamh.ensemmmmmdmmmm siot tu irma.tak kisahlah org nak ckp apa.Well-loved.

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