Thanks for being such a loyal reader, AB!Only the masalaydar type posts work best at ETB.. the more abstract stuff ends up here only.Agree with your analysis. It should be a cominbation of pragmatic thinking and ambition. Here, however, the tilt is always towards pragmatism, which makes us all think twice before jumping off the treaded road..
Thanks for being such a loyal reader, AB!Only the masalaydar type posts work best at ETB.. the more abstract stuff ends up here only.Agree with your analysis. It should be a cominbation of pragmatic thinking and ambition. Here, however, the tilt is always towards pragmatism, which makes us all think twice before jumping off the treaded road..
Ahhhhh mais je ne t’ai pas vu !! Roh je suis trop déçue ! Il y a plein de personnes que je n’ai pas croisées, snif snif Profite bien de tes vacances en tout cas ! bises bises jolie